Tips for How Pack Knives for Moving or Shipping

How to

You will be able to pack your knives safely for the move. This will ensure that they are not damaged during transit. Although packing and moving kitchen items can be a laborious task, this guide will help you to reduce the time it takes.

In What Cases do you Need to Package Your Knives Safely?

  • moving,
  • long trip,
  • picnic,
  • shipping.

To your knives, as well as things that surround them, you need to follow certain rules. Follow the instructions I wrote below and your knives, things, utensils will remain intact after traveling or moving.

how to pack knives for moving

How To Pack Knives For Moving

  1. Clean and Dry Knives
  2. Group Knives into Similar Sizes
  3. Lay each group of knives on moving paper
  4. Carefully roll and wrap each individual knife
  5. Secure the Rolled Knives with Packing Tape
  6. Use Bubble Wrap To Provide Extra Protection
  7. Place the Knives in a Suitable Moving Box
  8. Label

Clean and Dry Knives

Knife blades can be very delicate, especially for more expensive brands. The simplest methods work best. Simply place the knife on the surface, with the blade facing away. To clean the blade, use a soft cloth or a soapy sponge. After you’re satisfied with the surface, flip it over to clean the other side. You can do the same thing for the handles of your knives. However, wooden handles must be dried immediately to prevent any damage.

Group Knives into Similar Sizes

Once your knives have been washed and dried properly, you can group them in groups of similar size. This will simplify the next steps. Keep the number of knives in a group to no more than five knives each. You should not pack any special knives that are unique in shape or more expensive.

Lay each group of knives on moving paper or cloth

Spread two to three sheets (or similar) of moving paper on a flat surface. Then, place one set of knives on top of each sheet of paper. A gap between each knife should be approximately two- to three inches.

best way to pack knives for moving

Carefully roll and wrap each individual knife

Depending on the plant’s type, water them three days before you move. Relocating plants is like moving people. They need to be kept hydrated. Be careful not to overwater your plants.

Secure the Rolled Knives with Packing Tape

Once your knives have been wrapped in moving paper, you’ll need to attach the moving tape. Tape both ends to stop knives sliding out. Wrap the package around the middle to stop knives from moving around.

Use Bubble Wrap To Provide Extra Protection

For extra protection, wrap the package in bubble wrap and seal it with tape. This will prevent damage from heavy objects during the move.

Place the Knives in a Suitable Moving Box

Place the packed knives in a suitable-sized box. You can use tissue or newspaper to fill in the space if you have a smaller moving box. This will stop the movements from sliding around inside the box. To keep the tea towels separate, pack them in a larger container.


Label each box appropriately so that the movers and you know what sharp objects are inside. Moving day is not a time for accidents.

Best Way to Pack Knives for Moving

Do it like a pro. In the video, you will find not only how to pack kitchen knives or any other knives for moving, but also how to pack kitchen utensils to keep them safe after the move. A very useful and cool video

How to pack a kitchen and house

The following video is going to teach you how to professionally pack up a client’s house when you’re on the job, you’re gonna want to start by protecting your work surface with a padded moving blanket. This is going to make sure you don’t scratch the tabletop or the countertop while you’re working.

Grab your pack of paper and split it open, and then we’re gonna be ready to start wrapping items up when packing plates you’re gonna want to do it just like we’re showing you here you place a plate down followed by a sheet of paper and then another plate, and you keep going until you have a stack of no more than five plates at a time. Once you have your stack you can wrap up the entire bundle and then you can place this directly into a box standing upwards.

The same goes for bowls you go bulk paper bull paper and you keep that going until your stack is four or five bowls then place the entire pack into the box.

When it comes to glasses we’re gonna roll it like such start by rolling it and then flip the paper in and continue rolling it it’s super important not to roll it too tightly. The idea is to wrap it somewhat loosely so that there’s kind of air pockets inside of that paper stem. Where’s a bit trickier but it’s not too hard start by protecting the neck like this with rolled up paper then you’re going to want to fill the inside of this glass with some crushed-up paper so that it’ll protect it from any downward pressure once you’ve done.

That you can take one or two sheets of paper and then you roll it like regular glass. Make sure it’s not too tight and then you have a lot of air pockets in there to really protect it when it’s in that box. When it comes to cutlery don’t be lazy do it the right way take a stack of one type of cutlery and bundle it up and roll it once that’s done you can do that with the other items as well then you take those bundles and you stick them inside of the tray once your tray is all filled up you’re gonna go ahead and wrap the entire tray and paper and tape it close like so the reason you want to do it like that is because you don’t want a bunch of clanky stuff inside of your boxes this way everything’s snug and nothing’s moving this is the right way to do it if you don’t do Tupperware properly you’re gonna end up wasting a ton of space inside your boxes start by taking off the lids and then stacking the Tupperware all together you’re going to wrap the Tupperware separately from the lids start by wrapping the bases like so [Music] cooking utensils couldn’t be easier grab a handful wrap them inside a paper and roll them if they’re sharp use your common sense and make sure that you have enough paper folding around the sharp end so that it’s not going to poke through the paper or stab through the box that’s the only thing you need to think about.

When you’re wrapping these bigger kitchen utensils pots and pans are the same concept as bowls and plates you always want to put at least one sheet of paper between the pots and pans though because oftentimes it’s Teflon or a material that you really don’t want getting scratched so it’s super important to have at least one sheet of paper between each item repeat the same idea for pans.

When it comes to small appliances be sure to take extra precaution you really want to wrap it up in paper to make sure that they don’t get scratched and you want to pack them safely into a box where nothing can dent them a lot of times they’re made of stainless steel and if you just shove them in a box they’re gonna get dented oftentimes these things are quite costly so we really want you to be cautious.

When you’re packing small appliances your best friend in the kitchen is called the dish ferrule this box is twice as thick as other boxes and you’re gonna want to use this. When wrapping up dishes and other breakables in your kitchen start by taping up the base really well as you can see here they do get pretty heavy and you don’t want the bottom give you note on you while you’re moving it tape the side shut like you see and to make it easier to work tape down the side flaps so they’re not in your way.

When you’re trying to fill it up here’s how we load a dish barrel you’re gonna want to start by layering the bottom with Crush which is rolled up paper and you’re gonna make a whole base of this to offer cushioning for whatever you’re gonna pack first start with your plates and bowls and stack them vertically in the box the reason for that is that they’re stronger and less likely to break when they’re on their side start by filling the whole bottom of the box with dishes and heavier items and then fill in any gaps with crushed up paper like you see me doing here you really want to fill in all of those nooks and crannies so that nothing can move or shift within the box once that’s done we’re gonna repeat the layer of crush like we did at the bottom of the box this is gonna separate your bottom layer from your next layer which in this case is going to be glassware glasses is the same concept you always want them standing up vertical you never pack them on their side once you’ve filled up your second layer if there’s any open pockets like you can see here you can take bunched up paper and fill them in again you don’t want anything shifting inside this box now you’re gonna repeat more Crush which is going to separate your second from your third layer by now your box is going to be getting a little bit heavy so your third layer you’re gonna want to keep it light you can use Tupperware’s and other small home appliances which don’t weigh very much once you’ve packed these into the box go ahead and take a bunch of crushed up paper and really fill up the box to the brim you really want it full to the top so that when you push down on the lid it doesn’t collapse when packing the stemware we’re gonna pack it into a 1.5 securely and then we’re gonna place that box inside of a dish bow start by loading up the 1.5 like you see here and again fill in all the nooks and crannies with crushed paper to make sure that these wineglasses aren’t going to shift at all in this box close and tape up the box and then transfer this over to the dish barrel which you should have already put a layer of crush in the bottom once it’s in there fill up the sides with crush paper and then you’re gonna do a second layer of crush followed by a second box of stemware 21.5 boxes fit perfectly into a dish barrel the reason we take these extra precautions is because stemware is very fragile but if you do it like this there’s no way that these can get damaged start packing your pantry into a 1.5 cubic foot box as you can see here if you have oils or liquids these items should be placed into a ziploc bag or a plastic bag of sorts prior to being put into the box you should then wrap it up and packing paper and place it securely in the box if there’s no plastic bags on site just tell your client that it’s not something that we can take and then they can come back for it later we never pack perishable items or items from a fridge into a cardboard box these should be placed into a client’s cooler or cooler bags and taken by themselves the same thing goes for alcohol and other glass bottles containing liquid these items should not be packed into a cardboard box if anything put them into a separate box and have the client take it themselves or just tell the client that unfortunately we can’t deal with it [Music] the first thing we’re going to show you is how to pack a wardrobe box which is essentially a portable closet for people’s clothes start by taping the bottom shut at least with three strands of tape to make sure that it’s really firmly and then go across the other side as well next you’re going to flip it over and pull down the front and the sides take the metal hanging bar and place it inside the top slots of the box [Music] remember to put tape on top of the metal part here one to secure it in place but also because if this slips it can cut your skin start by filling up the bottom with some smaller lighter items like small shoes or empty backpacks and bags or pillows once you’ve used the space in the bottom you can start by hanging clothes directly into the box you don’t want to jam them in you want them hanging nice and straight so that they don’t get wrinkled now you can close up the box and tape it shut you’ll see there’s flaps on the top of this box which will help you close it up tightly make sure that you use the flaps first and then secure it with tape by going length and width wise on the Box these boxes can get heavy and you really want them being secured and strong so once these flaps are in secure it even further by using tape to keep it shut poke through the handles and carry it like so when packing bedding you’re gonna want to use a for cube box it’s a bigger box but the bedding is generally lighter start by putting a clean sheet of paper at the bottom of the box and you can start by placing pillows in like so you don’t want to cram them in on all different sides you want to keep them flat and protected one sheet of paper to keep them clean and then close up the box when it comes to sheets and blankets make sure you fold them don’t just shove them into a box because they will get wrinkled the same thing goes for towels and linens always make sure they’re folded and always fill up a box right to the brim so that they’re nice and full to wrap a piece of artwork we’re gonna place it on the ground and wrap it in bubble wrap first and then we’re gonna place it into a picture frame box a picture frame box has two parts inner and outer start by placing it in the inner box which you’ll notice isn’t quite big enough and we’re gonna pack paper all around the edges so that it can’t move once that’s done we’re gonna take the outer part of the box as you can see and we’re gonna slide that over the entire thing so that the whole picture frame is now covered sometimes it’ll fit in um one box alone but when it’s too big for one you’re gonna have to telescope two boxes together when packing lamps you’re gonna want to make sure to do it properly as often times these items can get damaged start by taking the bulb out of the lamp and setting the pieces aside wrap the bulb and packing paper and set that aside as well it’s important to wrap the shade in paper so that it doesn’t get dirty during packing or unpacking in the box if you have a second shade you can fit that in with the previous one and again take the light bulb that’s packed up and place it with the shade that’ll help the client when it comes time to unboxing and setting stuff up you can wrap the whole pack up in another piece of paper and place it into a box it’s important once it’s in the box to pack crushed paper around the edges to protect it if you have a pillow line around that’s also a good thing to pack on top before closing up the box in a separate box you can pack the basis of the lamps you never want to pack the shades with the bases fill in all the gaps and then you can close this box up smaller picture frames can be wrapped up and placed into a box simply take them off the Roll and wrap them up the same way you would have done your dishes more or less these can go directly into a box standing upright you can place other things in the box as well that you find it on the bedroom books should always be facing up with the spine pointing downwards continue filling up your box with other items that you find within the bedroom you’re going to want to fill in all the nooks and crannies of this box so it’s properly filled up once the box is filled you can close it up and tape it shut place non hanging clothing into a box folded properly to avoid them getting wrinkled the following non admissible items may never be packed into boxes these should be left to the client to take on their own detergent cleaning products JaVale water paints aerosol cans lighters matches anything like this legally we’re not allowed to transport these in our trucks let alone pack them into boxes for our clients next we’re going to show you how to pack items that are much more fragile and require more attention to detail than other everyday things for example this statue you’re going to want to pack the space between her arms with packing paper prior to wrapping it up place it in bubble wrap tape it shut and set it aside this glass horse for example is extremely fragile you want to start by placing it in bubble wrap and once that’s done you’re gonna place it in a lot of packing paper take multiple sheets wrap it in these and once your first bundle is done we’re gonna take an extra precaution and wrap it in the nether piece of paper you really want it well protected so that nothing can crush it in the box for something like this decorative skull it’s important to wrap the antlers and the head separately essentially wrap it the same way you would expect something to show up from Amazon for example wrapped and packed in the box it’s important that all sides of it are properly wrapped once this is wrapped you can tape it closed and we’ll show you in a couple moments how to pack it into the box this metal sphere has some weight to it so you’re really gonna want to protect that with paper to make it softer inside of that box [Music] [Music] when wrapping this globe start by rolling paper like this and wrapping it so you can protect the neck on its own once that’s done you can go ahead and wrap the entire globe up and packing paper again use more paper than you think you need paper isn’t expensive but it goes a long way and protecting these items prior to being loaded into a box [Music] Sall your items are packed up you can go ahead and start packing them into a box as you see here we have a – cube already lined with crushed paper the glass horse fits nicely there the sphere fits nicely beside it without putting any pressure on the glass horse the silver bowl tucks in right there neatly again without putting any pressure and if you want to put something light on top you can go ahead put a little bit of paper in between and then load it up with the globe fill in all the nooks and crannies with bunched-up and crushed paper to offer lots of protection to these items inside the box super important to really load the top up with paper so that even if you put pressure on the lid nothing will crush inside the box for something very fragile like the decorative skull you’re gonna want to put that in a box on its own fill the box with crushed paper place it in and stuff all the way around it with other pieces of crushed paper once this box is filled up with crush you can close it up and make sure to write very fragile on this box once it’s taped up we’re gonna take this box and place it inside of a dish barrel the same way that we showed you how to do stemware earlier in this video when it comes to the statue that we’ve wrapped up we’re gonna place this into a two cubic foot box at first as you can see we’re going to attempt to put crush around the statue to protect it however we’re starting to notice that perhaps it’s a little bit too big for this box and then we’re unable to get crush inside and around it so don’t force it and don’t jam it in the box switch out your two cube box for a bigger four cube box which will have plenty of space for the statue if you have other items like pillows lined around in the kitchen it’s a great opportunity to use them to help protect this item in the box essentially you’re packing the pillows at the same time but offering lots of safety for the Statue the other areas can be filled in with crush to make sure that it’s fully packed and protected in the box that’s about all we’re going to show you today when it comes to packing up the house if you have any questions about anything else please do not hesitate to ask us

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